Thursday, July 15, 2010

Seeley Lake, MT

We took our first family vacation to Montana. My mom joined us for the first part of our trip to help with Kelsey so Adam and I could do a few adventure activities. Thanks, Mom! Adam and I went fly fishing and danced the night away at Jill's wedding :)
All of us at the Double Arrow Lodge, where we stayed for Jill's gorgeous wedding!
The stunning bride! Kelsey couldn't take her eyes off Aunt Jill!
Another view of the lodge

Beautiful unposed moment

Our day trip to Big Fork, MT
Kelsey's First puppy experience. What a cutie!
Kelsey was a rockstar on the flights out to Missoula. She did a great job traveling and being in the car more than ever before. Montana is gorgeous with it's lush green trees and grass and it's amazing mountain views. Jill's wedding was beautiful and so personalized. We had a great start to an amazing vacation!

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