Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Big Sky, MT

Butte, MT- our lunch and stretching legs spot
With a wildflower shot
Adam and I about to zipline.
Hiking to the waterfall. Kelsey loved her travel mode!

Almost there! Mom and I

Kelsey loved the horses and wanted to get as close as possible.

On Monday, June 28th we packed up everything (and there was alot!) and we hit the road for our drive to Big Sky. Driving through MT is so breathtaking and to top it off, Kelsey was great in the car content with eating snacks, reading books and singing with Bubbie. We made a lunch stop in Butte (my affectionate pronunciation- butt :) and then arrived in Big Sky in the late afternoon. On tues morning, Adam and I left Kelsey with Mom and went zip lining in the mountains. It was a heckuva hike, but well worth it! I even got to try some tricks and Adam had his first zip lining experience ;) Fun stuff! Then, we decided to go for a short hike (yes, 2 hikes in the same day- can you believe it?) to see a local waterfall. (the first of many waterfalls). For dinner, Mom took Adam, Kelsey and I to Lone Mountain Ranch where Kelsey got to see some gorgeous horses close up. And it was a unique experience since Lone Mtn Ranch was one of my favorite childhood family vacations. Next.....Yellowstone!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

SUCH an amazing place to visit! What a neat first family trip for Kelsey! She is getting so big! :) Such a cutie! :)