Sunday, July 25, 2010

More Yellowstone, Signal Mountain Lodge and Jackson, WY

Signal Moutain Lodge (located in Grand Teton National Park just southe of Yellowstone)
Kelsey exploring wildflowers
Cheese :)
Probably the most gorgeous waterfall I've ever seen
3 Coyotes running from the bears
My turn to try hiking with Kelsey
Mama Grizzly Bear and 3 cubs (here one of the cubs is jumping to play with Mama)
Bull Elk (there were 3 of them, but here are 2)
Huge Moose herd that just kept getting closer and closer to the road GTNP about a mile or so from our lodge

Our second day in WY (July 1st), we took advantage of our location to revisit Yellowstone and were so glad we did. In addition to seeing more buffalo, elk and various birds, we got to see animals we've never seen in the wild before. It was just gorgeous and a great day!

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