Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Prego Brain

Bella watching and playing as Adam shovels the driveway after 8 inches of snow on on his bday!!

I'm sure many of you have heard of Pregnancy Brain. For those who haven't, people say you're forgetful, clumsy, airheaded, what have you...... for me, I'm flighty and forgetful, but I'm always forgetful so who's to say if it's pregnancy related or not. Adam may have something more to say about it, however, I'm starting to wonder if prego brain is contagious as I'm convinced Adam has it worse than me lately. To give an example, the other day we were getting dressed for work when Adam asked me if his shirt matched his suit. I told him it did, and he asked me if I was sure and I said yes. Then as I'm in the car on my way to work, he texted me "I'm wearing two different shoes." Evidently he was so worried about his shirt that his shoes didn't need a second glance...... I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. Just one of many examples that has me cracking up lately. I think it's probably all of the stress of trying to get everything done. Our nursery is now officially painted and the baby furniture is due to be delivered this week. It is over a month early in its arrival and has caused a bit of reality to hit home for us. All of sudden, it's real. We're having a baby. A real life BABY!!!! We're decorating a nursery, planning for work, signing up for childbirth classes, etc. I don't know why the morning sickness, growing belly, active baby and numerous doctor appointments with ultrasounds hasn't been enough to convince me and it took a call that the nursery furniture was in to make it seem real, but it did. Amazing. We are looking forward to another ultrasound and heading to FL and Atlanta for one more trip each prior to the birth of our baby..........We can't wait to see family and friends in the next couple months!!!

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