Sunday, January 4, 2009

Allison Danielle

Captions: 1. Uncle Adam with Allison 2. Aunt Elise first meeting Allison 3. Jim, Caren, Lauren & Allison 4. Allison's Close up 5. Grandma Elayne & Uncle Adam with Allison surrounded by her blanket 6. Allison meeting Baby J

Due to our niece, Allison Danielle's early arrival we headed to Atlanta several days early and spent about a week with our brand new niece, Caren, Jim, Lauren and Elayne. Allison is precious and a totally great baby! We hope that our little one is as good as she is! We would be so lucky! We had a crash course in newborn care, hospital stays, and are now eager to pick the hospital Baby J will be born in and take our childbirth class. We are now 22 weeks along and I am happy to say that the "morning sickness" is 99% gone!!! YIPPEE!! Took long enough!! Baby J happily flips kicks and punches me throughout the day and Adam enjoys feeling our baby's gymnastics as well! It's hard to believe that our little one will make his/her arrival in about 4 months! We're so excited to meet him/her! Feel free to send us your guesses :)

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