Saturday, January 30, 2010

Milestone after Milestone

We haven't uploaded any videos as of late, so here are a few that we took recently showing many of Kelsey's newer skills. She's crawling, pulling to stand and walking with her push toy. Her expressions are hilarious and adorable, especially her newest one- scrunching up her face when she's really happy:) She's eating lots of table foods including cheerios, peas, beans, bananas, turkey, pears, egg yolk, cooked apples, cooked carrots and cous cous. She's very independent and seems to want to do everything herself including feeding so she's learning to use her spoon. We're amazed by her everyday. And to top it all off, she said her first word on 1/27/10 at 8 1/2 months- MAMA! If I hadn't seen and heard it myself I wouldn't believe it. I'm enamored and so touched that she chose me as her first official word!!

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