Sunday, January 31, 2010

Playing in the SNOW!

Getting ready for the snow
First Taste of it
We finally got some shots of Kelsey in the snow!! Of all the pictures we took, we only got one smile. Guess that confirms what we already knew. Our little one is a BEACH GIRL!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Milestone after Milestone

We haven't uploaded any videos as of late, so here are a few that we took recently showing many of Kelsey's newer skills. She's crawling, pulling to stand and walking with her push toy. Her expressions are hilarious and adorable, especially her newest one- scrunching up her face when she's really happy:) She's eating lots of table foods including cheerios, peas, beans, bananas, turkey, pears, egg yolk, cooked apples, cooked carrots and cous cous. She's very independent and seems to want to do everything herself including feeding so she's learning to use her spoon. We're amazed by her everyday. And to top it all off, she said her first word on 1/27/10 at 8 1/2 months- MAMA! If I hadn't seen and heard it myself I wouldn't believe it. I'm enamored and so touched that she chose me as her first official word!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


First Official Haircut- January 8, 2010
Now I have 1 1/2 teeth!
Sleeping Angel holding her monkey
Fancy Pants!!
Pulling to Stand!! I did it!
Here ya go!
"I'm 8 months old and here's my friend, Monkey."

Kelsey is 8 months old!!!! It's crazy how fast time flies and how much our little girl is changing. At last weigh in, Kelsey tipped the scales at 15 lbs 2 ounces. Ok, maybe not tipping the scales, but she's growing well and loves to eat! She's now eating table foods including bananas (of course!), cheerios, peas, beans, pears and more. She independently pulled to stand on January 2 while we were in Fl and is now pulling up on anything and everything she can get her hands on. I've now become Kelsey's personal jungle gym and I love every minute of it! Her newest trick is to transfer while standing from the coffee table to my knees and back. She's also waving, briefly pausing when we say no and clapping her hands. She's starting to talk like crazy saying m, b, d, and tons of vowels. The other day, with lots of modeling, Kelsey imitated the word and sign "more" for water. As a speech therapist, I know it was all in imitation, but as a mom, I couldn't be more proud! Adam and I can't wait for her first official word!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Fl trip, part 4- Friends

Meeting Graham and Kelly! We had SO much fun!!

Holding Hands with a boy AGAIN!!

Meeting Jill!

Seeing Brooke again:)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Fl trip, part 3- More family

Uncle Jeff and Aunt Melissa
Ryan and Amber
Aunt Janeen and Aunt Diane
Carrie and Casey

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fl Trip, part 2 GREAT Grandfathers

Great Papa Nano and Great Papa O

1st, 2nd and 4th Generations

1st, 3rd and 4th Generations

Four Generations!

Eskimo kisses

Laughing together

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

LOVE my playmates

Pulling up on Bella
Reaching up for Mocha

Ringing in 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First Real Snow

Pleeeeease let me go play in the snow!

We've had some flurries here and there, but here are some shots of Kelsey's first real snow. While everyone in St. Louis loved having a white Christmas, we unfortunately couldn't go out to play since the snow coincided with Kelsey's first real fever. You can tell in the pictures she's not her usual self, but she liked watching the snowflakes fall nonetheless. We can't wait till the next big snow so we can all go play together!