Monday, July 20, 2009

Kelsey's Naming July 11, 2009

Uncle Eric, Kelsey's Godfather, spoils her already!

Kelsey meeting her Great Grandfather Ogron for the first time!

Rabbi Natkin (who also married us) performed the ceremony.

Kelsey's great grandfathers!!!!

Grandma and Poppy

Bubbie, Aunt Diane, Uncle Gary, Casey, Carrie, Papa, Uncle Eric, Becky, Great Papa Nano
Bubbie, Great Papa O, Ryan, Amber, Uncle Jeff, Aunt Melissa

Becky, Uncle Eric, Caulli, Casey, Carrie, Amber and Cari

"Aunts" Courtney and Kelly came to meet Kelsey.

Thanks to Bubbie and Papa for the yummy spread!

One of the many reasons Kelsey is going to LOVE her "aunts" (my cousins)!!

We brought Kelsey to Melbourne Beach to meet her extended family and for her baby naming. Kelsey is named after her two maternal great grandmothers. The B in Brooke is for my grandmother, Bertha and the R and G in her hebrew name, Rachel Gabriella, is for my other grandmother, Ramona Gwendolyn. Our family and a few close friends traveled from near and far to meet Kelsey and celebrate her Hebrew Naming. As many kisses as she gets on a daily basis from Adam and I, I don't think Kelsey has ever been kissed and passed and held more in one day ever! She loved every second of it!!! Thank you so much to those who made the trip to meet/see her. Our family means so much to us and Kelsey is very blessed to have you in her life! We love you!

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