Thursday, July 9, 2009

8 weeks "Glamour Shots"

Here's the start of a roll :)

Kelsey is 8 weeks old!!!! It's hard to believe how fast she's growing and changing!! She weighed in at 10 lbs and measured 22 inches at her checkup and her doctor said and I quote, "She's amazing developmentally!" I know it's hard for every parent not to think their kid is amazing, but it's fantastic when a non biased educated observer thinks so too!! :) Her new tricks include cooing back and forth for several minutes, rolling over every chance she gets, smiling frequently especially at Mommy and Daddy but at the mirror too, and army crawling. In a word, we're Amazed......
I tried to take some cute artsy shots of Kelsey, but she made it a bit harder than expected as she loved rolling around! Regardless, we think she's adorable!

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