Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Our first family photos after the tubes and monitors were removed. Kelsey wanted to leave the hospital in style in her first dress.

Dad realizing how heavy a 7 lb. baby is while Kelsey was impressed by the artistic skills.

Kelsey's first meeting with Bella and Mocha...both had been anxiously awaiting her arrival.

Hey, check out the gun show!!

It was a long haul, but on Thursday, May 21st 2009 our final trip to the hospital was finally here. While we know that the 10 day extended stay in the NICU was necessary and gave Kelsey the medicine she needed to fight the infection, we were over the moon to finally be able to unplug her from the machines and bring her home. It was the happiest we have been and needless to say were a little overanxious as I'm sure the nurses and doctors will corroborate. We were more than ready to start the typical parenting journey of sleepless nights, multiple feedings, endless laundry etc...... let the adventure begin!

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