Thursday, April 9, 2009

As ready as we can be, we guess.......

Adam contemplating the most efficient way and then installing the carseat.

Since we finished the nursery, I have surprised myself by sitting in it, but not redoing everything we've put into place- at least not yet. So we've turned our attention to other necessities like cleaning, packing for the hospital and putting the carseat in my car. As you can imagine, I've taken the lead on the registering, picking items out and decorating, but Adam is all over the safety aspects for the baby. Those who know him well can't be surprised by this at all ;) So here are a few shots of him getting the car seat installed. A few days later, I took my car to a police station for a car seat inspection and he did very well. If anything, it was over installed :) So now we're in a holding pattern and I find myself staring at the calendar often wondering which day will be Baby J's birthday. Adam and I keep hoping for the end of April, but since that's what we'd like chances are this kid is either coming on my birthday (5/8) or well overdue! Keep your fingers crossed for us. We're starting to get even more curious if Baby J is a girl or a boy!

1 comment:

Caulli said...