Saturday, December 13, 2008

Pump it up

Today we're 19 weeks and Baby J is kicking and tumbling away enjoying life on a daily basis. I, on the other hand, felt the final straw not too long ago and finally accepted my Dr's advice and had home health come out to provide an anti nausea 24 hour a day pump. What neither Adam nor I realized was that the nurse wasn't going to do the heavy lifting (i.e. sticking me with a needle), it would be Adam's job. We didn't know what we were signing up for with this pregnancy, but I'm happy to say that the pump has helped tremendously and we both hope to not have it too much longer. I'm very hopeful that by 20 weeks (7 days and counting) we'll be officially over the hump. Please keep your fingers crossed for us!

Today, we had a total BABY DAY. We started by going to our first of a few hospital tours which was an incredibly eye opening experience. Adam got to see a "conehead" for the first time. We continued the baby day by registering, going furniture shopping and holding a friend's newborn. Needless to say, we are a tad overwhelmed, but, there is a light at the end of the tunnel :)

The pictures included are of my new heavy medical companion with my bruised and battered belly and of Adam's first present from Baby J. He deserves an award for all that he's done and continues to do to take care of us, so Baby J and I found this shirt for him. We don't know what we would've done for the last few months without him. He's been Husband of the Year for a while, but he's now added Daddy of the Year to his long list of credentials. We will be forever grateful. Oh, and evidently, these are my really comfy pjs..... :)

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