Monday, November 3, 2008

Baby J's Debut

Today, we had the privilege of seeing Baby J onscreen. Now, we're more convinced than ever that this child has serious defiance. The ultrasound technician needed the baby to be in a certain position in order to obtain specific measurements and none other than our baby (yes, the one who hasn't been listening to our plees to stop the "morning" sickness) refused to comply. Shocking. We were however treated to almost an hour (versus 5-10 minutes) of Baby J flipping around like a gymnast, bouncing here and there and jumping like crazy. She (much easier than he/she) continually sucked her thumb, waved her arms in the air, and kicked her legs up. I think I might be in some serious trouble when I can feel all this in a few weeks. I'm actually really looking forward to that. :) Adam took many an illegal video which includes many of the actions described above that he edited and attached below. We both agree that we're really in for something with this crazily active baby. We are in love already. This ultrasound has made Baby J much more of a reality for both of us.

Currently, Baby J measures just shy of 3".

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