Friday, June 5, 2009

Pretty in Pink

My first official walk outside.... I loved it! Do you have to swaddle me again?

Cuddling after my first official bath and don't I look like Strawberry Shortcake? :)

"Little Chick" and my cute dot outfit!

"Ok! I draw the line at hats....enough dressing me up already!"

Kelsey has been getting a steady stream of presents since we got home and we are so thankful..... it's like the 20+ days of Chanukah!! :) I've included a few shots of her in her many adorable new pink outfits. Most of you know that I'm not a huge fan of pink, but on Kelsey it's adorable. Thank you notes are on their way......takes a little longer these days :) Kelsey has been rolling over from belly to side consistently and her head control is fantastic! We are so proud of our little munchkin!

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