Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ready to go- sort of....

Last weekend, my mom came to visit to help us get things ready for Baby J's impending arrival and to celebrate her birthday. We did our best to boost the economy by getting the necessities for Baby J to come home from the hospital and then some. I am sure that I will change and reorganize the nursery several times between now and when I go into labor, but here's the general idea. Adam and I LOVE it and feel that if the baby is born tomorrow even though we have 5 weeks till our due date, we'd be ready......sort of! Thanks to all of you for your generous and adorable contributions!!!! Baby J is a very lucky baby already! Click below for a 360 degree view of Baby J's room!


Unknown said...

Hi There:Everything looks great in the nursery, but Elise you look fantastic. Can't wait...We are so
looking forward to meeting our newest grandchild. See you all soon. Love always,
Mom and Dad

Caulli said...

I seriously think the baby should be named baby J..... it's already stuck in my head