Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Visiting Aunt Brooke in NC

Gorgeous Beach in the Outer Banks, North Carolina

Mommy and Kelsey making their marks

One of many of our conversations :)
Thanks, Aunt Brooke for such a great time!
We got to see our friend, Keri, from college and her family (Chase, Clay and Baby Avery)

Couldn't resist :)
Daddy went for a boy's football weekend with his guys so Kelsey and I decided to take a girls trip of our own to visit Aunt Brooke in NC. We flew into Raleigh and spent a couple nights at Aunt Brooke's place in Carrboro. Then we hit the road and headed to the Outer Banks to spend some time at the beach. Kelsey is turning into a phenomenal traveler!! It was a blast and the seafood was yum-o! Thanks for everything, Aunt Brooke! We had a blast!

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