Saturday, May 1, 2010


Kelsey LOVED the beach (YES! says her beach loving mama). She had a great time playing in the sand and loved watching the water.
She had a great time hanging with Bubbie at the pool!

Kelsey's first coed bath with friend, Graham. Kelly and Graham came to visit from Ormond Beach and we had a blast hanging at the beach and the pool together.

Eating Cheerios with Papa.

Hanging with Uncle Eric (but wanting to WALK around)
Great Grandfather Ogron came up for a visit from Miami.
Showing off our swimming lesson skills. Floating.
Enjoying a fun dinner with Uncle Jeff, Aunt Lisa, Amber, Bubbie and Great Papa O with a gorgeous view of the ocean!

Loving on Cari, Carrie, Casey and Aunt Ja Ja (wish she was in the pic more!)
LOVING my first blueberry muffin with Great Papa Nano!! What a way to end the trip!

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