Monday, December 14, 2009

SEVEN months!

Kelsey is 7 months old! Time really flies!! She now weighs in at 14 lbs 10.5 ounces, which is in the 10th percentile. We really do have our very own peanut! At first I was a tad worried she wasn't getting enough to eat, but have realized after a weight check at the doctor's we just have a doll baby on our hands. Maybe she's on the thinner side, since she's SO active!?! Kelsey now pseudo crawls all OVER the living room floor. She gets up on all fours, rocks, and then brings her knees to her hands and falls forward only to repeat it again and again. Her favorite things to chase include the remote control, our cell phones, the computer, Mocha and Bella. Occasionally a toy will get her going, but generally she's a very technically inclined social girl :) She loves eating and is now drinking from a straw! She's not a big fan of the bottle, but since she's straw drinking that works for us! Recently, I walked away for a minute max while she was laying in the middle of the floor only to come back to her sitting up. Quick little girl! When she first started moving, I found a bite out of a phonebook in her mouth and her chewing (yes, I said chewing) on our brick fireplace. Only our daughter would have such sophisticated taste. She's also started waving hi and bye. It's precious! We look forward to seeing what else Kelsey Brooke has in store for us. In the meantime, wish us luck childproofing :)

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