Monday, September 14, 2009

FOUR months!


Kelsey was 4 months old on 9/11/09. We had her 4 mos appt that morning and she weighed in at 12 lbs, 8 oz at the 25th percentile and her length was 24 5/8" which is at the 70th percentile. Adam and I are a tad stumped as to how we could have such a "tall" baby, but are thrilled with how well she's doing. She took her shots so well and is again ahead of the curve developmentally. She's pseudo sitting up (crouched over), rolling from front to back and has even rolled from back to front once. She coos and "talks" often and smiles and laughs even more. She is such a joy and as Aunt Janeen says, she's an "Angel Baby" as she has slept up to 11 hours straight at night. We are so lucky and crazy infatuated with our little munchkin!! We can't wait to see what she does next!

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