Monday, June 13, 2011

FL Visit- March 2011

We had a great time in FL visiting with all of my family and spending lots of time at the beach. Kelsey finally loves it and it was incredibly fun to watch her have so much fun! We're so glad we are raising a FL girl, even if we live in Missouri! :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

20-21 Months Catchup Blog 1

As you can imagine, life with a toddler, owning your own small business ( and a major job change (Adam) can keep you fairly busy. So here's a brief recap of the last few months........ I want to get caught up, even if not as thorough as usual since our big girl turns 2 in a matter of days. Where does the time go?

Kelsey and I threw a PJ party where we partied in our PJs and collected Pjs and bedtime books for kids in need. (Jan. 2011)

We drove to Springfield, MO to visit Aunt Di Di while she visited Becky. (2/20/11)

Feeding the Ducks with Daddy :)

Loving on Mommy at a Baby shower for one of Kelsey's friends new baby brother.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

20 Months- Our animated taco eating toddler

Kelsey is finally 20 lbs!! Most kids hit the 20lb mark around 12 months. 20 lbs at 20 months, Yay!! Hip Hip Hooray for our mini girl! :) As you know and we can prove, GREAT things come in small packages. Kelsey is officially pacifier free. It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. She also said her first 3 word phrase, "up please, mommy." She understands pretty much everything, follows multiple step commands, loves to color, play playdough and put stickers on everything. She also loves to hang by her hands only for over 10 seconds at My Gym, asks to play with her BFF, Ryanne, daily, wants help doing sommersaults and takes photo album after photo album off the shelf and names all the family and friends in the photos. Kelsey continually gives us hugs and kisses, often unsolicited and loves to snuggle. We are so lucky to be her parents. We couldn't be happier. :)

Ringing in 2011

We celebrated 2011 as a family, going out to our favorite Asian Fusion restaurant and heading home for an early dance party........ Kelsey really loves Daddy's milkshakes!

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Whole Lotta WINTER

We've spent lots of time indoors this winter and had lots of snowstorms. Here's just a few shots of our everlasting winter.

Some fun sledding on 12/25/10