Sunday, November 21, 2010

Trick or Treat

Kelsey went trick or treating for the first time this year. She was excited to be a duck and quacked all over our house before we left. Then we went to 3 houses in the neighborhood. She kept wanting to go inside the houses. Maybe next year she'll grasp that the candy is the best part of trick or treating :) This year, she took one of each option from our neighbor David and proceeded to put them all back. Too cute! Even after our 3 houses, she was very tired on the way home.......... It was a great Halloween!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

More Halloween Fun

Kelsey helped us carve our pumpkin. She didn't love touching the sticky inside of the pumpkin and the seeds but loved putting the small pumpkins and gourds into the big pumpkin!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pumpkin Patch- 10/22/10

Our beautiful 17 month old Pumpkin

What a fun evening!