Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First Foods!

Rice cereal

Some sensory play with the leftovers
Daddy fed the first few bites

I gave the last couple bites.

Kelsey LOVES water and even learned to pick up her cup and put the spout in her mouth the second time she saw this cup. GENIUS!

We started rice cereal twice a day on Nov. 14th. She did great, ate it up like a champ, but I have to say I thought she would enjoy it a little bit more. She takes a bite, makes a face like "what is this?" then opens her mouth for another bite. It's hilarioius! She continues to LOVE water! On Mon, Nov 16th, we gave Kelsey avocado and she LOVED it! Now we mix it with the cereal and she's an eating fiend! It will be even more exciting when she's eating tons of veggies and fruits! Wish me luck as I'm going to try to homemake them:)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Half Year Old!


Is she starting to look like Mommy at all?

My new favorite expression, scrunched up smile.
YUMMO! We better get this girl some food fast!

Our play group: Clockwise: Kelsey, Ryanne, Eva, Peyton, Eli, Ellie
Bella getting in on the snuggling!

Kelsey is 6 months old! I still can't believe it! She is growing up so fast. She weighed in on 11/16 at 13 lbs and 14.5 oz. Her personality is developing more and more every day. She's happy almost all of the time, smiling and laughing at strangers. It's adorable! She's so laid back, goes with the flow for everything. (She must've gotten that from Adam :) Kelsey loves hanging out with friends and we have an awesome play group and do lots of fun stuff. She is sitting up completely, rolls across the room, shakes and bangs toys on the floor as well as transferring toys from one hand to the other, and coos back and forth like she's really trying to talk. She loves to watch and reach for Mocha and Bella and somehow they allow her to pull their hair out without protest. She loves going upside down, spinning and being thrown in the air (a few inches). Kelsey also cut her first tooth a few days prior to her 6 month bday and had her first taste of something new- Water! She's done a few developmental milestones only once including rocking on all fours and variegated babbling /buduh/. This is big stuff and the speech therapist in me is very excited! I keep trying to get an /m/ so "mama" will come soon, but so far her consonants include /d and b/. (I know- I'm a nerd!) Adam and I are thrilled with Kelsey and love watching her daily growth! We never know what the day will bring:)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Decisions, decisions

You want me to do what?!?!?
I'd rather eat this shirt than pick anything. (check out my tooth)
Oooh! I love to eat tags!
This is definitely the cutest cheerleader outfit. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Atlanta Trip

Kelsey loved meeting and playing with Trey. She loved discovering all of his toys. Thanks for sharing so much, Trey!

Kelsey always loves spending time with her cousins!

Kerrington, Brian and Betsy's new sweet baby girl. I almost forgot how tiny newborns are!

Cooper, Michael and Joshua. Kelsey's first BOY play date :)

Apparently, Kelsey really likes boys ;) Daddy's not going to like this!

My group of girlfriends! Miss you girls!
Jackson and Trey enjoying our delicious Thanksgiving Day Feast! Kelsey was extremely jealous! Thanks, Lisa and Pablo, for hosting!

My old neighbor, Lisa, and Callan, who liked holding Kelsey.

Kelsey is SOOO excited to finally get to taste something different- WATER!

Kelsey had a great time seeing where Adam and I met and fell in love. She was such an angel baby on both flights and on the trip in general. We hauled her all over and she rallied each and every time even without naps! She smiled and laughed through many introductions and had a great time meeting all of the babies! She is looking forward to a return trip and I know can't wait to try some baby food now that she's almost 6 months!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cutest Bug You Ever Did See!

Our adorable butterfly
Happy as can be trick or treating at Daddy's Office
At My Gym's Halloween Party. TONS of kids all over the place. Very cute!

Her new favorite thing....upside down!
Wearing a hand me down puppy costume to "practice" dressing up! Thanks, Lauren and Allie!
Hanging with Mocha and Bella for Trick or Treaters. Thanks Aunt Lisa, Uncle Jeff, Ry and Amber for my adorable outfit!